The Paradox
So, here I sit. Month end just around the corner, and net conversions to soodkhors standing at a dismal nil. Should I not rejoice in the thought that I have actually been able to refrain from adding to my woes on the day of judgement? How does one do that though when plagued by concerns to meet one's targets for the month? How does one rejoice when lamenting lost chances and near misses? Quite a dilemma wouldn't you say?
The phone rings. It is some Mr. Vekantesh Prasad. Not the bowler, he is quick to clarify. I force a chuckle. Says, I met him some time ago. I do not recall, but I am not about to hold that against him. That, or anything for that matter. It must be one of those cold calls I had made. I fish for any clues as to what company he is calling from. No such luck. Anyway, decide to move on and talk some business. Turns out he needs about a million more than I can offer, at about 200 points less than would be feasible for me. Feel like
strangling him. Ditto for the bosses who thought of the stupid limits and rates. Everyone offers more than we do, at less than we do. Why even bother?
It is all good. This is the way it is meant to be. I am not meant to be converting people to Riba. Allah does not will it. He saves me from sin. I shall not, will not sell sood. But, the targets. What of the targets?
I take out my cards holder, open the latest edition of the Commercial Directory, and start calling people at random. It is crazy. I offer to give them money and no-one wants it. Everyone wants money. No-one wants it from me. It must be a sign. I should not be doing this job. What was that about a soodkhor being at war with Allah Himself!
It is 1600 hours now. 120 more snaily minutes to go. And 13 days!!! It is so strange, the minutes take eternity to pass, and the days fly by.
Must call. Must call.
The phone rings again. They are starting a project, and need a crane. And two Telehandlers. Rate no problem, want it now. My day is made. And the month. One deal to meet the month's targets. Hallelujah!!! I take their details, fix urgent appointment. "Will be in the area anyway. Can always stop-over at your office."
Run to the Boss. Got deal! Got business! Met targets - heck, exceeded targets!!! Pick up the keys. Slip on the jacket. Off I go.
Come to think of it, it is more trading than financing. We are advancing money for purchase of assets, and we do that at a profit. Actually, we are not even advancing money, we are paying the supplier directly. We just sell the asset to the buyer keeping a margin for ourselves. It is nothing but trading – plain and simple.
An hour and a half later - Hate this business. Hate all interest-based business.
Absolutely devoid of any barakah. Any divine intervention, if any, comes to squander matters. Imagine, such a gem of a deal. The requirement was there, the assets available locally. Would have happened in days – if only their cash flows were positive!
I was right the first time around. "Allah does not will it."
It's almost time.
Maybe tomorrow. There is that furniture manufacturer who needed half a million last month. Maybe I can get him in this month.
Got to meet the targets!
But then again, maybe not!!!