They had snowfall on Wednesday in the far flung town state of Ras Al Khaimah. Thursday newspapers carried front page pictures of this desert covered with a thin layer of white... Exiting stuff eh? Don't know what to make of it...we here in the UAE are getting our own little Murree now...YAAAAAY!
But, it makes you wonder about the changes this world is going through right now, doesn't it?
On the one hand you have hundreds of thousands, make that millions, dead, missing, displaced and aggrieved in all manners, and on the other you have desert people rejoicing at three days of continuous showers/drizzling/cats and dogs raining followed by a film of snow spread over the unlikeliest of places....
Second news... Knicq has landed in the land of the pure. Arrived 10:00 p.m. and was quickly given a crash course tour of Karachi city by Jalali Baba, and a SCRUMPTIOUS dinner at Fash's thanks to his angelic wife. Karachi by the way is soaked right now, and the rain/drizzling has hardly stopped since I arrived. JB was furious at the timing of both yours truly's arrival and the rain. The two, he said, could not be enjoyed together... I apologized for breaching the mutually exclusivity clause of the contract signed between the Rain, Jalali Baba and yours truly. It does not take a genius to figure out that the first two parties to the party were not in the wrong, and the brunt of this contractual breach has to be borne by Jalali Baba's humble servant....
In 30 minutes from now, I board PIA 0530 KHI/ISL. The next ten days promise to be very exciting...
There's the long awaited and very looked forward to meeting with the blogging family Momma, Abez and Owl.
There's the other eagerly awaited blogger meeting between knicq and ulta seedha.
There's the long awaited and very looked forward to wedding of the younger brother.
There's the taking to task of knicq by his parents, the only item on the itinerary not eagerly looked forard to, for past nafarmanis/disobediences.
...and there's the meeting of the hopelessly patriotic and nationalist knicq with his beloved, beloved country...
Let the festivities begin....
...ooops, they just announced that the flight is delayed by one hour due to bad weather, DARN!!!
Here it is...found my update :)
So now, the flight to Isloo ( I like this term of endearment coined by Momma for Islamabad), leaves at 0630 rather 0530, and I have been up and running around since 10:00 a.m. yesterday...
Looks like the blogger meets will have to be postponed until after the younger bro's wedding and my taking to task...if that leaves me not-sleeping-six-feet-under that is :).
I guess Jalali Baba is right, I ought to have been more watchful of that exclusivity clause after all...